We Believe in Hope
Connecting Youth At Risk For Suicide With Life-Saving Mental Health Treatment
We Believe in Hope
Connecting Youth At Risk For Suicide With Life-Saving Mental Health Treatment

I need to refer a youth for 12 free sessions of therapy through Second Wind Fund.
Second Wind Fund is NOT a crisis line. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs immediate assistance, call 911 or:
In Case of Emergency
Call 911 immediately or go to the nearest hospital emergency room
Colorado Crisis Services
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call 988 or text TALK to 8255
Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio
The Trevor Project
Why We're Here
When a child or teen, up to 19 years old, is at risk for suicide and faces a financial or social barrier to accessing mental health treatment, Second Wind Fund covers the cost of therapy. For families who are not facing a financial or social barrier and need help finding a quality provider, Second Wind Fund can provide navigation assistance.
We provide access to life-saving therapy across the state of Colorado.

- School Psychologist
- Middle School Counselor
- Elementary School Principal
Suicide is currently the leading cause of death for youth in Colorado

It is more important than ever to invest in the mental health of our children and teens, many of whom have undergone significant changes to their daily lives and have experienced increased levels of anxiety, stress, and feelings of disconnectedness over the past few years. Demand for Second Wind Fund’s life-saving services continues to increase. SWF saw a 135% increase in referrals for the 2022-23 school year!
Second Wind Fund remains hopeful and convicted in our mission that broadening and strengthening access to suicide prevention care will continue to save lives.
What started as a small school community Walk/Run in support of our youth has grown into an important day of hope, love, and remembrance. Funds raised from this event will provide access to life-saving therapy for Colorado youth who need our support.